17th Edition Exam Simulator
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This is an exam simulator for the C&G 2382-15 17th Edition exam. It is your best tool for practicing for the real exam!
The exam simulator randomly selects 60 questions from the bank of 400+ questions. You are allowed 2 hours to answer the questions with a 65% pass mark, which is about the same as the real C&G exam.
Do not forget that this is an open book exam! You are allowed to insert notes, bookmarks in to the IEE Wiring Regulations book in order to make you find the answers faster and easier.
In order to see the correct answers please press the "REVIEW QUIZ" button after you have completed the exam.
Students enrolling in a course will usually pass the 17th Edition exam first time! So, why not try an online course? One of the best is the 17th Edition online course by LearnZone Media, which we recommend based on its excellent quality, content and value for money.