The Snag Gallery
On these pages you will find images of electrical installations which are clearly below the required industry standards. In order to improve safety within our industry we have decided to start posting these images.
We also invite you to contribute by sending your own images of poor workmanship to our email address (
Please add whether you want your name as the author of the picture to be displayed.
RCD buzzing, so let`s not use it!

According to tenant it was buzzing and making a funny smell. He called for an “electrician” who decided that the solution is in bypassing the RCD protection for the circuit. Here is what happened next.
Loose connections...

Heat damaged fused spur [fused connection unit or FCU] this damage was caused by a loose connection within the switch. The excess resistance melted the insulation and caused the cable to fail. This type of failure is easily avoided if the installation is regularly inspected and tested.
By B Smith
Meter tails

Found this in new block of appartments, only six weeks old. It is not difficult to dress and terminate meter tails correctly. Poor workmanship results in a mess like this.
If you can`t see it, it`s not there... Or is it?

Kitchen ring main not continuous Live to Live. After long hours of searching for the fault, the client remembered that there used to be a socket over there, but they have done away with it...
Simply shocking!

Found this piece of splendid electrical workmanship in a commercial unit used by a "high tech" company. The previous contractor did not even bother to put tape around the connections. Next to a gas meter as well.
RCD trippng

Tripping RCD traced to burnt out plug.
By Adam S